
 ERP/CRM    Consulting


Harmony is a comprehensive business process management system to help customers to manage the school recruitment process, student enrollment process, host family enrollment process, data analyst report, etc.

The following features are offered by the client to the customers:

    • Resource Management - School, student, host family, ESL teachers, etc.

    • Workflow Management - Student application process management, host family onboarding process management, grievance management process.

    • Working Queue & Task Management

    • Reporting

    • Document Management

    • User Management & Security Control

    • Digital Document Processing

    • Enterprise Messaging System - Internal & external communications.

API Gateway
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The customers implement Harmony to improve efficiencies and increase customer satisfaction with the company's services.


The objective is to identify the tasks and characteristics of the customers business process. With a well-designed process management system that allows customers to identify problems and help improve output quality to better meet the needs of its business.


    • SAAS Platform

      • Deployed on AWS US & AWS Beijing

      • Horizontal scalability

      • Highly modularized design

    • Service Oriented Architecture

    • Big data backend with MongoDB

    • Mobile friendly

Tools & Technologies Used:

    • LDAP User Repository

    • Mongo DB

    • Activiti Workflow

    • Aliyun

    • AWS

    • Replica Set

    • Android/IOS

    • DocuSign

    • Integrated with: Salesmate, Salesforce, JasperReport.

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